Preferences Incorporated has served Ontario for over a decade by providing research solutions to not-for-profit, governmental, and private sector clients. Whether you are searching for financing, leads or clients, our economic impact assessments and master business plans have resulted in up to 1000% ROI and over $20M in funding for our clients. We have the data that will lead you to success. Learn about our solutions and team by selecting the buttons below.
We specialize in creating air tight research methodologies that give our clients sound results and piece of mind.
Preferences Incorporated provides support for private sector, public and not-for-profit sectors in the area of data collection, analysis, automation and intelligence. Our clients grow because they are doing what they are supposed to be doing
and doing less of what they shouldn't.
We connect to a variety of third party providers to ensure our clients get the best outcomes possible.
Our first step is to a have a conversation about your vision.
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